Dr. Louis Gorman
General Dentist
Dr. Louis Gorman has been a practicing dentist since 1990 and has always made it his goal to provide his patients with a pleasant and comfortable experience while striving for good oral health. Dr. Gorman has always made a point to listening to his patients’ needs and desires and takes the time to help his patients’ understand and decide which choices are best for their oral health.
Dr. Gorman has been a practicing dentist since 1990 and has experience in a large variety of dental services, including cosmetic dentistry, restoration of implants, Invisalign, and sports dentistry.
Dr. Gorman received his Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. He went on to Meharry Medical College, School of Dentistry, also in Nashville, Tennessee, where he received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. After dental school, he completed a General Practice Residency at University of Maryland Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland.
Dr. Gorman has been in private practice since 1991 and has proudly been a stable provider to his patients during that time. He has also served as an attending dentist to University of Maryland general practice residents while seeing patients with special needs at Kernan Hospital. He also has overseen University of Maryland dental students while they extern at Access Carroll in Westminster, Maryland. He is currently part time faculty and a clinical instructor at the University of Maryland, School of Dentistry.
Dr. Gorman is a member of the Academy for Sports Dentistry and has received extensive education in the particular needs of the athlete in regards to dentistry and oral health. He has been a team dentist for the Baltimore Ravens NFL club since 2004.
Dr. Gorman is a big sports fan, particularly and predictably, of the Ravens. He also enjoys reading, trivia, and spending time with his family. Dr. Gorman lives with his wife Missy, and they have 2 adult sons.